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Ed25519 to Curve25519 conversion

This module implements libsodium’s Ed25519 to Curve25519 conversion functions. You can use these functions when you want to sign messages with the same keys used to encrypt messages (i.e., using a public-key box).

Generally speaking, you should avoid signing and encrypting with the same keypair. Additionally, an encrypted box doesn’t need to be separately signed as it already includes a message authentication code.


Converts an Ed25519 public key ed25519_public_key into an X25519 public key, placing the result into x25519_public_key upon success.
Converts an Ed25519 secret key ed25519_secret_key into an X25519 secret key key, placing the result into x25519_secret_key.

Type Definitions

Type alias for an Ed25519 public key.
Type alias for an Ed25519 secret key with seed bytes.
Type alias for an Ed25519 signature.